Lyrics Savage Circus

Savage Circus

It - the gathering

What am I doing here?

What is the reason for my fear?

Something vicious buried in black

Rising up, it's coming back

Long forgotten evil's drawing near

Hidden down below

It stood the test of time and now it's here

No loss of memories protecting me no more

Seven bound to the oath

Hold on forgetful

That brought us back, coming here

To end it once and for all

Hand in hand, we're going to stand

Together again, to carry out

What must be done

The final chapter has begun

Now we're going back in time

To fulfil the mission to seal the mine

In the underworld of the sewage pipes

The tunnels bare of light

Mortal fear makes me shiver to the bone

Down below, I'm not alone

Seven minds and but a single thought

Seven vowed to return

Seven versus the evil beast

To finally get released

A devil in disguise of a clown

Is preying on the children of the town

No loss of memories protecting me no more

Now we're at the gateway to the devil's lair

Behind a torturous light I can feel it stare

It is awaiting like spider in the web

Seven against you now, the final attack

No loss of memories, the gathering is fulfilled