Lyrics Savage Grace

Savage Grace

Flesh And Blood

A dark reign of ruling upon them, their

Lives full of hope thrown away

Killing life legally, reduction of death in

Perfect race

Taken by force, this world at the mercy

Of man and war

Flesh and blood, we are all the same inside

Flesh and blood, we are all the same inside

Six million souls will cry

We will fight to the end

One mind to bow down to as master, in a body

Of suffering pain

Tortured and beaten by roaches they' re eaten

Living a nightmare, to them just a game

Born to run free

Believing and reaching for what you see

The thieves of man' s dignity prosper in their

World of hysterical hate

The lives of the loved ones are trumbled upon,

What gives them the passion to go on and on

Taken by force, this world at the mercy

Of man and war