Lyrics Savage Messiah

Savage Messiah

In Absence of Liberty

Forced allegiance sheltering weak minds

Breed complacency to subjugate life

Brainwashed puppets to spur the machine

A black tomorrow is the utopian dream

None more enslaved than those who trust that they are free

False preconceptions destroying identity

To take authority as unquestioned truth

Forsaking liberty for archaic sanctuary

Our leaders trapped us in despair

What’s inside no longer cares

As the forced religions rupture into war

What’s left now is humanity

But humane it ceased to be

As our liberty distorted by their lies

A world held hostage to its god

Ever searching for reprieve

Expendable to the machine

Trapped completely cannot leave

Broken now, the system is flawed

Only those with power see the reward

Majority who slave away

Just wait in vain and pray for a better day

Our leaders trapped us in despair

What’s inside no longer cares

As the forced religions rupture into war

What’s left now is humanity

But humane it ceased to be

As our liberty distorted by their lies