Lyrics Saviour Machine

Saviour Machine

The Sword Of Islam

And the evil empire came upon her Israel.

Blood will rise, the truth that hides

The Sword of Islam.

From the seed, the ancient blood of Abraham is come,

The roots of seething hatred

And the massacre of one.

Ishmael was born unto the flesh and not the promise,

Isaac born according to the covenant upon us.

She is life and she will fight

The Sword of Islam.

She is shown and she will know

The Sword of Islam.

Helplessly surrounded by the enemy,

His call,

"She was born to die there

In the streets within the walls."

The terror lying at her door,

The arsenal from hell,

To drench the land of Palestine

With the blood of infidels.

Hatred owns the land that holds

The Sword of Islam.

Steal the fields, the hand that wields

The Sword of Islam.

Allah shall pronounce "Jihad,"

The holy war engaged,

The everlasting covenant has Ishmael enraged.

In his hand, divine command.

For the Zionist will fall.

Bring the Kings out of the south

Arabia and all, Arabia, Arabia.

For when they speak of peace and safety

The sudden death will sound.

He will climb the temple mount

To spoil the the sacred ground.

He will call the north to fall upon her in the storm.

Ishmael and God will sell

Their souls to slay the son of Israel.

They will crawl, the wailing wall,

The silence speaks the dawn.

Israel is bound in hell,

The Sword of Islam.

Israel is bound in hell,

The Sword of Islam.