
We fall

In the good and bad

From the second story or love

A Saturday doesn't get much better than this

I found a reason

I found a reason to bleed

Forget the stories that they read to you

And don't you worry about anything

Forget the stories that they read to you

I have a feel that everything will

Be just fine

Forget the stories that they read to you

Everything will be just fine

Forget the stories that they read to you

Tear out the pages and we can write our own book

Divided in two

The needle and you

We can write our own book

The fire that grew

Collided with new and grew

And grew

You won't find the answers

If you can't find the question

But maybe it's not in me

I'm just a fucked up kid

With a fucked up head

Wearing fucked up clothes

Spitting fucked up words to get to you

Words to get through

I am asking not begging

Just asking

So what do you think?

Don't give this a second thought

Cause I don't think I can

I don't think I can

Cause I'm a bad man

But if you think you can

I can build a plan

I plan to build a virtue

But if you think you can

If you think you can

I'll be on

I'll be strong

I'll be honestly honestly yours

We have a reason to fight now

We have a reason to fight

And now I'm staring up at the sky


Last night

I stared up at the sky

Believing that the voices

The annoying voices

Were whispering voices of angels

As the world started burning

We couldn't feel a thing

Cause everything's perfect

Everything's perfect