Lyrics SayWeCanFly


Sometimes (Intro)

You are the sunshine

Sometimes I am the darkness

Sometimes I am a bright moon

Sometimes I am galaxies and beautiful big mountains

Sometimes I am the entire universe

Sometimes I create problems

Sometimes I create love

Sometimes I create happiness

Sometimes I am sad

Sometimes I am lonely

Sometimes I am hopeful

Sometimes I am the sky

Sometimes I am a storm

Sometimes I am memories

Sometimes, I have none

Sometimes I am everything

Sometimes I am the sun

Sometimes I am a building in a big city

Sometimes I am a flower in a field somewhere

Sometimes I am nobody

Sometimes I am war

Sometimes I am born

Sometimes I die

Sometimes, I am infinity

Sometimes I am small

Sometimes I forget things

Sometimes I am beautiful

Sometimes I am ugly

Sometimes I am a wolf

Sometimes I am a butterfly

Sometimes I am made of skin and bone

Sometimes I am made of wires

Sometimes, sometimes, sometimes

Sometimes I wonder who created me

Sometimes I remember that I created me