Lyrics Scar Symmetry

Scar Symmetry


The path before you

Never coming to a halt

It stretches endlessly

From here into the unknown

Looking back

You barely see through the fog

What you were once, you are no more

Each moment unique

None exactly the same

Defied, denied to live

And exist like this again

Now you will see you are reborn

Arrive, arise to your new world

As this one dies

Forever death will embrace everything

At dusk arrives

The dark night of the soul

Waiting to crush

Every stone left unturned

As you enter

Go at least with this certainty

You will emerge at dawn transformed

Each moment unique

None exactly the same

Defied, denied to live

And exist like this again

Now you will see you are reborn

Arrive, arise to your new world

As this one dies

Forever death will embrace everything

All things end, none survives

Every form must fade away


All things end, changing shape

Waking to life again


Each moment unique

None exactly the same

Defied, denied to live

And exist like this again

Now you will see you are reborn

Arrive, arise to your new world

As this one dies

Forever death will embrace everything