Pushing for Perfection

In an endless pile of steel and glass

Things fall apart, the centre can't hold

Why? We ask, we are condemned by laws

Their gloried faces washed in blood at birth

Floating in a sea of filth - Put a spike in my vein

Floating in a sea of filth - Put a spike in my vein

Like roaring thunder, a minefield playground

Children ripped from their mother's womb

Dark death and shattered brains

Babies born by drug washed whores

Something fierce... Breathing in this pinion dark

Passing into nothingness . Something fierce...

Nature never blames, or condemns us for our acts

Like roaring thunder, a minefield playground

Children ripped from their mother's womb

Dark death and shattered brains

Babies born by drug washed whores

Something fierce... Beyond the last fall o man

Pushing for perfection - Something fierce

May reveal the painful truth - Thoughts of confusion

In all the dreams that lays before me

No sound as the leaves falls

In the eyes of the sleepless

Waxed as deadly as chill could kill

Floating in a sea of filth - Put a spike in my vein

Floating in a sea of filth - Put a spike in my vein

Like roaring thunder, a minefield playground

Children ripped from their mother's womb

Dark death and shattered brains

Babies born by drug washed whores...

Other Scariot songs