Not Enough To Love

And I count the stairs

Up to her apartment

She's taking me home for the night

And all that it took was a drink and a lie.

She's done this before

I'm not the first liar she's fallen for

She's had too much to drink

And despite what she thinks

She doesn't mean anything to me.

Would you call this love?

Would you call this anything other than just enough?

To feel alive

Now I pull her close

She's freezing but I still slip off her coat

I can't remember her name

But this Shits all the same

With her clothes in a pile on the floor.

Would you call this love?

Would you call this any thing

Other than just enough

For the two of us

To feel alive

And I'm not such a bad guy you know

But I get what I want

And I'm dying to get you

Out of your clothes

Whoa Whoa


She's had too much to drink

She's taking me home for the night

Theres a thousand other bars on the East Coast

And a thousand other girls I can get drunk and take home.

You can bet yourself that I'll do this again.

Would you call this love? Would you call this any thing but just enough?

You're a shameful display of my pride and disdain all rolled into one

Lying under the sheets next to me.

Come tomorrow, I won't call.

And I count the stairs down from her apartment