Lyrics Screeching Weasel

Screeching Weasel

Bite Marks

Cracked open, left hanging

With my tail swinging in the wind.

Grab a hold of me darling,

I'm about to break down again.

Now I'm reeling sideways.

Ain't it always the case?

I had to do it my own way

And it blew up right in my face.

Time and again

I manage to fuck up

Everything I come in contact with.

Grab a hold of me darling

Cause I think you're all that I've got left.

Bite marks and bruises

Come and go every day

But breaks and contusions

Take a little more time to fade.

I gotta get it under control now

Cause I know I'm only getting worse.

I know what all of my friends say

I can quote them chapter and verse.

Grab a hold of me darling

Even though I'm always such a mess.

Grab a hold of me darling

Cause I think you're all that I've got left.

Grab a hold of me darling

Cause I know you're all that I've got left.