Lyrics Seals & Crofts

Seals & Crofts

East Of Ginger Trees

Go east of your dream and farm. Let peace and silence

spin your yarn.

What harm can befall thee in yon wilderness of clove?

Go on east of ginger trees. Go soft and silent like the


With ease be off and wander in yon wilderness of clove.

Go on past the goldenrods, where fools and angels lose

their odds.

And gods of our ancestors did immerse themselves in


Go on toward the crimson shore, beyond this life of


Where doors of understanding's house decorates he them

with clove.

(From Baha'i scripture) "Be lions roaring in the

forests of knowledge,

Whales swimming in the oceans of life."

Prepare to meet Bahá'u'llá'h in the Garden of Clove.

Note: Vahid Odin Spencer provided me with the context

of the closing lyric in October of 1999 --

O Lord! Should the breath of the Holy Spirit confirm

the weakest of

Creatures, he would attain all to which he aspireth and


Possess anything he desireth. Indeed, Thou hast


Thy servants in the past and, though they were the

Weakest of Thy creatures, the lowliest of Thy servants

and the most

Insignificant of those who lived upon the earth,


Thy sanction and potency they took precedence over the


Glorious of Thy people and the most noble of mankind.


Formerly they were as moths, they became as royal

falcons, and

Whereas before they were as brooks, they became as

seas, through

Thy bestowal and Thy mercy. They became, through Thy

Most great favor, stars shining on the horizon of


Birds singing in the rose gardens of immortality, lions

Roaring in the forests of knowledge and wisdom, and

whales swimming in the oceans of life.