Egypt Israel & America
Well the people in Israel want peace, and the people in
Egypt, they cry peace.
And the people in America, they say please, set these
people free.
Israel, I know you, you are brave, you are proud. Your
voices loud but sometimes gentle.
And the ages recall the days of Abraham.
Now the people in Israel built the Wailing Wall. And
the people in Egypt built the pyramids so tall.
And the people in America built the spaceship that
would not fall. Now we've seen it all.
Israel, you are water. Give us life to the desert land.
May your people be like the cool oasis for a tired
world on it's spiritual journey, oh.
From the spirit of Egypt there's a new song. And in the
soul of Israel that plays on.
In the mind of America there's a new dawn. Lead us on
and on.
Spoken: "America, I love you. Through the darkness, you
are light.
Again in friendship, your arms are open to all people,
wrong or right."
Oh America, you're beautiful, you are shining like the
Again in victory, behold the [?] from the love, the
peace shall come.