Lyrics Seals & Crofts

Seals & Crofts

Not Be Found

You talk of love in endless riddles, the truth is bent to fit your teeth

Your ears hear only necessary words and thoughts that make you breathe

From out of the depths of want you wander, searching for familiar sound

Of some unsuspecting sorrow, on his way to not be found

Like a ravel gone unnoticed, 'til the cloth begins to tear

One small grain of salt in water, at first is not so hard to bear

Out of an hour or day you're born to play your harp and wear your gown

Hiding, waiting, for the right one on his way to not be found. Not be found

Should our paths cross each other I'll keep my eyes fixed on the ground

I'll keep right on walking past you, rather than to not be found. Not be found, not be found

To fill one's pipe with dreams of amber, to taste the smoke is ecstasy

But the one who claims the clouds won't let you know serenity

Lips that part with sweetened danger, moist with ill and evil sound

Await their chance to take the stranger to the land of not be found

Not be found, not be found