Fei Long

This is a New York recording

When I left the street you heard someone was scrambling

That’s what they were selling

What made this particular quarter so famous

Was that my quarters you could dump that quarter out

Go get a quarter of cut, a quarter of that and I’mma need it

Take that quarter of Ninita and put it with my quarter

Blend them together and they would have two quarters

And that’s what the innovation was

I was there, I used to be a drug addict, I used to do this

I used to be the guy down on the bottom, I used to get these things

And when I got them I always wanted to be able to take it home and use some

And mix it and then take the rest out on the streets and that’s why I did it like that

And it worked

Come and hang with the bad guy, been doing my damage to rank in bad five

No chit chat, no click clack, nigga get chastised

Found drought in the blood and brutally baptized

Me, all that contract shit, no, I ain’t yes, I am on some contradict

Baby shaving them pies, what stiff shit? You got Bette Davis’ eyes

Yeah, back of the Maybach, scratched at them hatchback, rapper don’t eat that

You make songs with Dre songs, f**k your logic, I kick fire with fade long

I’m blunt when the day’s strong and kill every commander in ray dawn chung

You see these black checkers, strong shit out of the Diaz brothers

This guy came to me and told me he wanted me to keep these little brown paper caps

Little caps of heroin, I didn’t know it at the time, I was making good money with that

He was actually a pretty good student, had had pretty good comments from teachers as a youngster

He went into the drug business because he saw, he saw the role models around him