Land Of The Phantoms

Wind sweeps through the forest

It sweeps through valleys and mountains

It stops and casts its eyes over the peak

And looks inquiringly when it trances me down

I don't speak and nor do the wind

It's just standing and looking at the landscape

Solitude takes my thoughts

I feel quite well in this way

But my soul is tired

Then it rises and regains strength

It entreats me to fly with

Through valleys and mountains

It asks me to soar before the sun rises

To take advantage of darkness and night

Since then I've been one with the landscape

And it has become one with me too

Since then I've been one with the darkness

Which is a vital element for me

Since then I just stand here and I see everything

As the others are carried from peak to peak

As the wind stain the world

As they sink out honour to the depth of hell

I look around. We have remained few in place

The others have flown away, wither their interest hoping for better

But I see that we're still firm

And like sand, the wind carries the others