The Main Divide

This tunnel I'm in is way too dark

Torches flicker with desperate light

When the sun sets and cold winds crawl in

Every single night is but a fright

Just show me what you brought

Is it the same scar we already know

I feel the temptation to take revenge tonight

Always forgetting two wrongs don't make a right

This could be mine and this could be yours

It comes slowly and then suddenly goes

Always disappears like a ghost

This kind of magic is too dangerous

Once I followed you and you looked scared

Then I saw you in my dream and offered you all I had

But we cannot hear each other anymore

As I lie in rotten leaves in front of your door

This could be mine or this could be yours

It comes slowly and then suddenly flows?

Behind all doors there dwells a ghost

Every single day I'm gonna break the oath

this tunnel I'm in is way too dark

Torches flicker with desperate light

When the sun sets and cold winds crawl in

Every night is but a fright

The howling injustice and rising hatred

Go hand in hand

This kind of unity is too fragile

From this height it's easy to fall

Insanity, depravity, absurdity

As I break into pieces in the gravity of you

This could be mine and this could be yours

It comes slowly and then suddenly goes

Always disappears like a ghost

This kind of magic is too dangerous

This could be mine or this could be yours

It comes slowly and then suddenly flows

Behind all doors there dwells a ghost

Every single day I'm gonna break the oath