Thorns Of Deception

I saw it with my mind’s eye

And sensed the growing serenity

The divine order of a higher being

Procreation of an unknown breed

A menace in disguise

A dagger behind symphaty’s back

Welcome to fools paradise

The snake coiling around your neck

I see a future that is black and white

Thorns of my skin restricts me to find

My peace of mind

The birth of something new and sinister

Wrapped in deception’s cloth

On the fields of glamour

Our feet will not tread

In a senseless peace of mind

Eliminated we are from the circle of happiness and


These words repeating in my head again and again

Sometimes love is the key that unlocks hate

A merace in disguise

A dagger behind sympathy’s back

Welcome to fools paradise

The snake coiling around your neck

I see a future that is black and white

Thorns on your skin restricts me to find

The calm in you