Lyrics Seelennacht


Engel der Nacht

I emerge out of my grave

Hunting with you through the night

Time has come, we're playing the game

And our fellowship won't fail

In this cold and rainy night

Something louring is just reborn

Living forever in redemption

Bringing back my darkness again

Oh Engel der Nacht

Fühlst du den Schmerz

Der für immer meine Seele zerreißt

Schenk uns Erlösung in der bittersten Stunde

Die für ewiglich wahrt

Oh mein Engel der Nacht

I feel a pain like a dagger in me

Lasting for over thousand years

I'm walking down an empty lane

Searching for my destiny

In the dimness of the night

I behold an angel far away

My angel, give me salvation

Give me shelter from rain that drenches my skin

Rise against

Affranchise yourself

Go into the depth

And set you free