Hi, My Name's Cindy

Mystery date and you can't be late

Thought it wouldn't go any deeper

Stalling and stalling to the voice of debate

Laugh at her jokes and then leave her

You can't get out

Well maybe she's pretty and maybe she's rich

You got to keep an open mind

Hi, my name is cindy and I'm a transistorosexual

Now it's all run amuck

For the next five hours you're fucked

Fallen in a well and you can't get out

Thought you couldn't fall any deeper

You learned about love and the opposite sex

That there's fucked up people

You try again

Maybe she's pretty and maybe she's rich

You got to keep an open mind

Hi, um, my name is cindy

I'm your blind date and I'm really blind

Now it's all run amuck

For the rest of your life you're fucked