Lyrics Shawn Mullins

Shawn Mullins

Talkin' Goin' To Alaska Blues

I'm goin' to Alaska Where nobody knows my face

I'm goin' to Alaska Where there ain't no rats to race

I'm headed to Alaska Where a song is still a song

I'm flying to Alaska Where I done nobody wrong

I'm goin' to Alaska To a good size little town

I'm headed to Alaska Where Michelle's friend was anchored down

I'm goin' to Alaska Where there might be somethin' more

Flyin' to Alaska, Delta flight 2284

I'm goin' to Alaska Where there's air still left to breathe

I'm goin' to Alaska Where my broken heart may never let me leave

I'm not yet in Alaska But I will be there today

Flyin' to Alaska in this skinny window seat 11a

No use tryin' to reach me Don't call me on the phone

Nothing there to keep me baby Sometimes I gotta roam

Because I'm goin' to Alaska Where I got some friends I know

Maybe when I get there I won't feel so freakin' lo