Lyrics Shawn Mullins

Shawn Mullins

We Could Go And Start Again

It's a feelin' you ain't had since your school days

One that blows off dusty memories

And the one voice of the faded and forgotten

Is screamin' like an eagle through the trees

It sings to you a song that you remember

It whispers like the softly fallen snow

On a Pennsylvania farm in late December

Is there somewhere like that left where we could go?

We could go and start again

We could go and start again

Shine some light on the shadows of our sins

We could go and start again

When the devil tries to drag you through the darkness

And the self-hate rakes you through the burning coals

Take my hand and we will stand together

We'll ride another cycle of our souls.

Of our souls, on our way

Of our souls, on our way

Trade tomorrow for another yesterday

Of our souls, on our way

The day that peace will come won't be mistaken

It'll sing a song that everyone will know

And the holy train that leaves this worldly station

Will take us anywhere we wanna go

We could go and start again

We could go and start again

Shine some light on the shadows of our sins

We could go and start again