
It’s a mysterious, no, it’s a strange thing, it might be a sickness

I have no strength in my body, I can’t control it

These bad symptoms appeared after I met you

I’m left alone on this black night (in my room that’s filled with thoughts of you)

I can’t do anything and I draw you out as I am in pain all day

Your indifferent face that I can’t figure out makes my breath stop

Your cold eyes digs into my heart, cutting deeply through the center

If I don’t cure this wound, I might die, I might go crazy, I don’t know what will happen

The sickness that is you, the worse it gets, the more exhausted I get but the only medicine is you

If I can’t have you, I might die, I might go crazy, I don’t know what will happen

The only medicine is you

I can’t live if I lose you

When I hear your name, it feels like there are thorns on it

My heart feels electrified and numb as if I swallowed rose thorns

My deeply pierced heart, my pierced heart, my bruised heart

(Hold out your hand and embrace it)

You pretend to give me a chance as you come close then get far away

Like a doll, I get dragged around but in front of you, my breath stops

Your cold eyes digs into my heart, cutting deeply through the center

If I don’t cure this wound, I might die, I might go crazy, I don’t know what will happen

The sickness that is you, the worse it gets, the more exhausted I get but the only medicine is you

If I can’t have you, I might die, I might go crazy, I don’t know what will happen

The only medicine is you

I can’t live if I lose you

I can’t figure out this fever, I can’t cool it down

Can you hear my heart that’s about to burst toward you?

I’ve dried up like the desert, I’m hoping for a sweet rain that is you, to fall

Your cold eyes digs into my heart, cutting deeply through the center

If I don’t cure this wound, I might die, I might go crazy, I don’t know what will happen

The sickness that is you, the worse it gets, the more exhausted I get but the only medicine is you

If I can’t have you, I might die, I might go crazy, I don’t know what will happen

The only medicine is you

I can’t live if I lose you

I can’t live if I lose you