Lyrics Skye Sweetnam

Skye Sweetnam

Make-Out Song

Honey and hormones, you're holding my hand

Sugary slow-jams, making love on the sand

Well excuse me while I throw up

Take a second to interrupt

All this round about shit just sucks

I'll be blowing the candles out, lights on, it's wrong, but it's my

Make-out song

We've been holding back too damn long!

Well the sweet talks great, but it's getting late

And I wanna just get it on!

This is my make-out song

Don't be getting your ego on!

'Cuz I like your lips but this foreplay kiss has been goin' on way too long

Get with my make-out song

Allergic to flowers, they wilt and they die

You jump in the shower, regardless that I'd

Much rather you just hang tough

A little bloody and beaten up

Let's get animalistic rough

We'll be ripping the clothes right off, backseat, not sweet, but it's my

Make-out song

We've been holding back too damn long!

Well the sweet talks great, but it's getting late

And I wanna just get it on!

This is my make-out song

Don't be getting your ego on!

'Cuz I like your lips but this foreplay kiss has been goin' on way too long

Get with my make-out song

When you lay me down, on your pillow now

Sprinkle roses on the sheets

I get the creeps!

You're finally touching me and you realize I'm asleep, I'm asleep

Well excuse me while I throw up

Take a second to interrupt

All this round about shit just sucks

I'll be blowing the candles out, lights on, it's wrong, but it's my

Make-out song

We've been holding back too damn long!

Well the sweet talks great, but it's getting late

And I wanna just get it on!

This is my make-out song

Don't be getting your ego on!

'Cuz I like your lips but this foreplay kiss has been goin' on way too long

But it's Make-out song

We've been holding back too damn long!

Well the sweet talks great, but it's getting late

And I wanna just get it on!

This is my make-out song

Don't be getting your ego on!

'Cuz I like your lips but this foreplay kiss has been goin' on way too long

Get with my make-out song