Light Years

I think she said

It's like a kiss from God

Then she laughed

Still I found it odd

That I'm only realizing just how

She is light years away from me now

Have you seen

The stars above from the roof?

She repeated

While I acted aloof

Cause the only thing on my mind

Was the light years between our own kind

Still I like to come when you call

Addiction is sweet

Will I savor the fall?

But if you hit the bottom floor

Will I still hear a knock at my door?

Oh yeah

Still I like to come when you call

Addiction is sweet

That much I recall

But if you hit the bottom floor

You'll see the light above my door

I don't hear

from you so much anymore

and I wonder

If you're still gonna score

With the stars that are shooting tonight

I keep track of them upon this flight

And I hope you don't split the seam

And make the light years seem like a dream

Oh yeah