Fashion Magazine

She flips through the pages of her fashion magazine

Tt pulls her out of her reality for a moment,

We all need our moments,

She forgets for a couple of seconds about the hopeless

Situation as the plane seems to take all of her focus

Riding that afternoon plane from Dallas back to Minneapolis

Two and half hours, she's out there

Reading some column of spit verses swallow

Everything reminds you of him and it's not fair

How could she fall on her face for some man child,

Maybe it's his voice, or maybe it's his damn smile

Maybe it's the whole package, from the kiss to the matress

To the sarcastic jokes to the social status,

Maybe it's none of the above

Maybe she only needed somebody genuine to show her love

It was all about the right place at the right time

And even with the drama they find that he's still always on her mind

Well, none the less then two hours before she lands

To put her feet on the ground and take her man by the hand

And this time around when the laugh starts to sting

She just take a breath and dig into that fashion magazine