Public Relations

Here she is!

Miss Marilyn Monroe

Will she have the answers

That our readers want to know?

From India and Pars

And from just across the pond

We have so many questions

For America's smart dumb blonde

Here I am

I dropped in from the sky

For Look and Life and all the boys

From Peek and U.P.I

Please let us peek behind closed doors

Where no one is allowed!

Well I'm pretty good in private

But the truth is, I'm better in a crowd

I relate to men of so many nations

But public relations

Are my favorite kind

You're the story that we're glad we're assigned

Dealing with one man

Can lead to frustrations

But public relations

I have never declined

Cause we're the guys who'll never leave ya behind

A bunch of men

With pad and pen

Is a way to have some fun

But ladies, listen to me


Nothing ever beats a one on one

Still, you come to me

For sex in quotations

So I'll use public relations

To give you a piece of my mind

Gimme, gimme

A piece of your mind

Cause the answer to a question

Is the way you're defined, like

What do you sleep in?

Well I adore Chanel No. 5 and not much more

Any advice for a girl in the city?

If you're two-faced, at least make one of them pretty

The studio says, "lateness is your favorite crime"

True, I've been on a calendar, but never on time

When you posed nude, your inhibitions were gone?

Well, that's not quite true, I kept the radio on!

Yes, to chase the blues

Boys, I chase the newsboys!

Fame has plenty of perks

When your life's a mess

Call the foreign press

Be they Indian, Parisian, British

German, or Turks

I am glad you crave

My best conjugations

Yes, public relations

Is my favorite sound

Cause when I'm alone

I can pick up the phone

Cause the forth estate

Is always around!

Yes, it's just good public relations!