Our Anniversary

Its our anniversary

I leave it ajar

And go outside

To look at the driveway stars

The crickets are chirping

They stop at my step

I stop my step

And they start up again

Its our anniversary and the bullfrogs

And everything that can sing is singing

its mating song

The soil is steaming

Grass is swooning

Guns or fireworks are popping

Down in the town

A woman is running

A man jumps up and down

Its our anniversary and you've hidden my keys

This is one anniversary you're spending with me

I slide in the front seat

The drivers side

To hotwire and hightail crosses my mind

But still in the driveway

Fixed like the stars

I flip on the headlights

And go back inside

The climates controlled

While the battery dies

Clipping the wings of your morning light

Its our anniversary

A celebration of

And here's to next year

Maybe you'll join me in my car

We'll drive together

But not too far

We are far from flowers

Cut and dried

So let us thrive let us thrive

Let us thrive

Just like the weeds

We curse sometimes