My Murmuring Darling

This wasn't supposed to be a test

Of will or years of patience

But when you opened your mouth

And still nothing came out

I was speechless

Youve got a million things upon your nightstand

Oh I hate them

But it was in the pill

I am swallowing still

'Cause I messed up, yeah I messed up

Keep the lights on so I can remember why I came

Sometimes I doubt you my murmuring darling

In the bloodlines, in the straight lines

On the sidewalk in the palm of your hand

I mumble through

And you talk through me and it's hard

The lights, the lights they might

Have brought me to the rocks here, where I am sinking

But it's all in the pill I am trying to cough up

'Cause I messed up, yeah I messed up

Keep the lights on so I can remember why I came

Sometimes I doubt you my murmuring darling