Lyrics Social Code

Social Code

Yesterday's Ocean

So scared of the life, never climb a tree

So scared of life, sit in the dark and breathe

You can make it fly, you can make it free

Don't let it fly away, what a waste that'd be

You can make it live, you rock the boat

You might crack a smile, well at least I hope

Got nothing to say, buttoned lips

Why don't you chorus a yell, at least loosen your grip

The ocean

In whole

Sitting in my ocean

Watch the wind blow

I've raised my hand so I could speak

I've felt my tongue, begin to bleed

It's like crashing down or a sinking ship

I made a sound, I gave a shit

The ocean

In whole

Sitting in my ocean

Watch the wind blow

Sitting in my ocean

Watch me where I go

Sitting in my ocean

Watch me where I go

Yesterday's ocean

Yesterday's ocean

My Yesterday's ocean

Yesterday's ocean

My Yesterday's ocean