Baptism of Fire

Product of my breeding

Inauspicious shapes

Formed by depravity

Abnegation of my past

Resigning, ireful

Watching the depopulation

Danger, impotence

Envelope the world with fear

Unnatural decay

Disclose the human need

Ptomaine, cremation

Baptism of fire we'll not survive

Abject and spirited

Getting excessive with results

Dislike a normal life

Excruciating waste away

Resigning, ireful

Watching the depopulation

Danger, impotence

Envelope the world with fear

Unnatural decay

Disclose the human need

Ptomaine, cremation

Baptism of fire we'll not survive

Symptoms of pathogenia

Depropotionate your body

Incurable disfigurement

Bones decompose alive

Resigning, ireful

Watching the depopulation

Danger, impotence

Envelope the world with fear

Unnatural decay

Disclose the human need

Ptomaine, cremation

Baptism of fire we'll not survive

Return to biogenetics

Turn over a new leaf

To form a vicious circle

Till end of time