Fuck the Police

New age rebellion - anarchy

Intoxicated with injustice of law

Sneaking lifes - mental decay

Practice subversive dirty deeds

No acts of grace - stand up and fight

You are their slave but never questioned why

Born on your knees - don't give a shit

You are remote controlled but who is to blame

Fuck the police

Blaze of anger - deaf and blind

The enemy that overshadows us all

Out of control - disrotted minds

The final judgement and the final day will come

Too much pressure - too much power

Until the point of no return

Interwar period - martial games

To find out

What they try to ignore

Eternal lies - vision of change

When the dreams of freedom awake

Methods of greed - bleeding hearts

An easy target for the one with the gun

Empty promises - better left unsaid

Illusions shattered by mendacity and hate

Supremacy - hungry to kill

No more effectual fervent supplication