In War and Pieces

Contempt of Sanity

A Domination of the Beast

The End of You and Me

Cruel Die the Least

Dark Is the Night for All

Deplorable We Try to Crawl

Hollow the Dead We Fear

Nescient Why We Are Here

One Man's Meat Is Another Man's Poison

One's Blind Street Leads Another to Reason

Dark Alleys of the Death Seamed with Corpses

Gore Rotten Beds of Carred Skin in Tatters

Fractured Minds, Impure Dead Visions

Puking Downwards with Derision

Raping Souls of Carnivores

Soaking Butchered to the Core

Rupture the Sluice of Mental Sewage

Don't Shed a Tear Down on Bony Pewage

Now You Know How Fetid Death Breathes

I'm Leaving You in War and Pieces

In War and Pieces

In War and Pieces

Dying Creatures Gonna Burst Asunder

About Maltreated Sobbing Bodies I Wander

Dark Heaven Lowering Above Us All

Angel of Death, Can't You Hear My Call

Blain on the Head of Selective Retention

Splinters to Remove the Intolerably Tension

The Adumbration of Mental Plague

Broken Eyes Peer Wide Awake

Rupture the Sluice of Mental Sewage

Don't Shed a Tear Down on Bony Pewage

Now You Know How Fetid Death Breathes

I'm Leaving You in War and Pieces

In War and Pieces

In War and Pieces

Die By My Hand in the Same Dark Prison

In Your Head You Will Keep the Vision

Leave This Live with Shattered Brain

Slightly Driving You Insane

In War and Pieces

In War and Pieces

In War and Pieces

In War and Pieces