Lyrics Soilent Green

Soilent Green

Falling From A 65 Story Building

How Many Lives Does It Take To Change The Times?

Suicide Rates Seem To Climb Every Year

I Just Added One More As I Take The


Descending Rapidly For A Quickened Death?

Moving Fast, Thinking Slow

Memories Of Good And Bad Pass In Thought Of


Should Have Pondered This

Simple Problem Only Made Bigger

Should've Just Sat Down And Figured Them Out


The Whole Situation Out Of Hand

Now It's Too Late As I Fall To Misery

All Muttered Words Never Heard

Thoughts Scan My Head As

I'm Falling Down

Faces Smashed Against Mirrored Glass

All I See Are Windows Passing By

Feel The Pain

Don't Ever Love



Numbing Inside

Just A Black Smoke Figure

Against A Brick Wall

If My Life Were To End

Would I Be Satisfied?