Lyrics Soilent Green

Soilent Green

Pretty Smiles & Shattered Teeth

Later is the late move

Tampered with this fault

Misuse of a weakness born

Transition to repress, leaving me annoyed

Tranfer blank mental image to a soul's hallow state

Giving up these weaker plagues

Silencing the the signal to your brain

I think this is coming to and end

Empty feelings of a forgotten revenge

Fatal options will bury one alone

A loved one's empty breath

A friendship buried six feet deep

First time to offer these conflicts

Compassion birthed from frustration

Another emotional conflict

Handle condescending words from a childhood past

Screaming of parents from other rooms

A constant Sunday afternoon affair

Settle for less by losing the day

Vendetta for your rage

Off balance perception of disgrace

The overbearing of consequences

Over dramatized deception

Enabling you to achieve a higher step

Social upbringing forcing change

Feeling empty at this bleak moment

Permission for blind eyes to share jaded pain

Exposed to sunken feelings

Learn your temper

Feeling fatigued from the pain

Marks on the neck from a strangling rage

Dealt the bad cards for a means to an end

Years of personal tragedy

Hitting the bottom

Your major option confused

A prisoner of excuse

Thread the needle

You never promised yourself failure

Save your faith

It might be too late at this point

Never turn your back

A rotating cycle that continues to eat itself

Praised heroes you defile once the truth is learned

Idol of human fault

Another flag to burn

Child in the cradle screams over lullabies

Hangover from a night to settle these tears

The cross you bear has lost the final square

Apathy of enemies, walls of unspoken will

Dress up prejudice and call it politics

A coward's anthem for the incompetent

The poetic ring to your contradictions for the deaf and dumb

Words you've tried to use to explain your faults

Modified ignorance in power

The growing demise of ambitions coming to an end

A tragedy in pride

Watch where you step

Cracked shells of rage

The noose to praise

That smile of guilt, backbone of shame

One wish of death

The ways mistakes show their face

Come to change

Breaking faith

It is far more deeper

Only a question seeker

Motivation a mental overload

Somehow within the failure of yourself you managed to ruin the lives of others

Loaded barrel and a taste of gunsmoke

Not sorry anymore that you were the high school joke

Breathing out silence

Your hope regresses

Getting screamed at for hours