Lyrics Sol Invictus

Sol Invictus

Abattoirs Of Love

I put my back against an oak

Thinking it was some trusty tree

But first it bent and then it broke

And so did my false love, to me

I put my hand into a bush

Thinking some sweetest flower to find

I pricked my finger to the bone

Leaving the sweetest flower behind

Oh, meeting is a pleasure

And parting is a grief

But an unconstant lover is worse than any theif

A thief would all but rob you

And take all that you had saved

But an unconstant lover will bring you to the grave

The grave it will decay you

And turn you into dust

There's not one in a thousand that you can trust

They'll kiss you and they'll court you

And tell to you more lies

As the hairs upon your head laugh

Or the stars in the skies

Come all you young lovers

A warning take by me

Don't place your affection on a green willow tree

For the leaves, they will wither

The branches will decay

And all your poor love will soon fall away

We hung upon a hook, cut me to the bone

Froze me with a kiss, laid upon your throne

In the abattoirs of love

In the abattoirs of love

You're in the serpent's jaws, love chains you to the floor

Like fools you climbed so high, it's further then to fall

In the abattoirs of love

Love's a game for fools, for fools

Love's a game for fools...