I keep my eyes shut

My life is trusted to myself

No hope, no fear, nothing around here

I care no more for things that I adore

You don’t pray for God’s help anymore

I hate you and me and the whole world

Zero attraction for mankind’s infection

Always taking shortcuts

A signatory with a broken hand

I keep my eyes shut when you want me to see

I keep my mouth shut when I don’t want to speak

And if you try to touch me and I run away

You get cross, as you cannot feel my pain

I keep my eyes shut when you want me to speak

I keep my mouth shut when I don’t want to see

And if you ask my questions and expect an answer

You get cross, when I don’t waste futile words on you

Polarising separation

Serving poisonous mushrooms for dinner

Trapping myself without your fervour

I’m changing victims every hour