Lyrics Solar Fragment

Solar Fragment

Moana's Return

Stories tell of magic realms

that are buried underground

Once upon a time

there was a girl wearing the crown

Although she lived in bliss and love

there was a longing for the earth above

for daylight and stars

And so she climbed up high

to pass the secret gate

Blinded by sunlight her memories fade

and noone has ever since seen her again

they say her spirit survived

This is the story of Moana’s return

Where am I now?

Why did you lead me here?

Those rotten walls

they scare me, they make me feel

that I’ve been here for a long, long time

but who is the guard of this hidden shrine?

I am the pan, your servant, your friend

I am as old as the trees and the wind

and I know you will

remember your name

then I shall take you afar

So carry me down

This is the story of Moana’s return

(to) where faries still live

and the moon never dies

Where thrones in golden light are waiting

This is the tale of her rise and her fall

In the shelter of comforting night

you shall be questioned

till your spirit revives

and I’ll be there to guide you through

What are you waiting for, girl?

Just get it done

One: do recover the key from the toad

Two: get the deggar, but don’t touch the fruit

And three: spill the blood of a poor little boy

So carry me down

This is the story of Moana’s return…

The distance is fading

the breathing gets low

(and she falls)

Nobody else in this place

but her and the faun

This is the story of Moana’s return

(to) where faries still live

and the moon never dies

Where thrones in golden light are waiting

This is the tale

remember the tale

this is the tale

of her rise and her fall