Backpaka Baba

Crime's the other side of what's right

Baba lives on the wrong side of the earth

On a plain flat planet he would've been white

Nobleman by name aristocrat by birth

Selling shades on the beach by daily routine

Matches the irony of your Western magazine


Baby with the basket pushes fruits and news

While man came across the sea

To change my under-developed diaper

White man came across the sea

To wipe my ass with tabloid paper

I'm a passionate man help me first

Ease my hunger quench my thirst

Can you see yourself devoured

I'll do anything to stay empowered

Part of him feels like some new kind of Noah

But all he can carry is some hectograms of Goa

Big Mother Ocean shut the stereo down

He travelled to listen not to see

On Arambol Beach his guitar will soon sound

When the last black man's crossed the sea

His earth turned flat his passport photo black

Backpacker Baba's never coming back