Dionysify This Night Of Spring

{Dionysos, god of wine and ecstasy

Attend this vernal feast, with satyrs and bacchantes -

Fury, strings and choirs create a canvas in your honour}

Mademoiselle, please enter this night of spring

Undress to the sound of carcassing chorals

"Dionysify this night of spring", dionysified they sing

The Aphrodite Loveroom glows with ruby walls

I gently tie you up in a bondage so mild

Your eyes float in the sea of red Bordeaux wine

I kiss you all over, passsion-blind

In the sea of white swims the albino crocodile

I tenderly adore the taste of your she

In this cathedral of cinnamon and sodomy

Strong colours congregate on the outer canvas

The motive of worship is your humid ass

Mademoiselle, this night is all yours

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