Lyrics Solution .45

Solution .45

On Embered Fields Adust

I am the one

That hides in flame and fire

Who takes you under

And brings you in

When the silence is all

No day before night

The burning plains

Are my light and my home

Striking down

The unforturnate ones

Black days forever

Leaving behind

Everything in sight

Cannot take me

What no man has seen

Awaits me far down below

On emered fields

Embered fields adust

Now I know what time is life

Forevermore gone

Is this the end?

When the silence is all

No day before night

The burning plains

Are my light and my home

They say never again

Decision is mine

No longer hiding

In darkness alone

Force it to stand

Unending down

Black days forever

Now upon me to

Turn the tide

What no man has seen

Awaits me far down below

On emered fields

Embered fields adust

Now I know what time is life

Forevermore gone

Is this the end?

What no man has seen

Awaits me far down below

On emered fields

Embered fields adust

Now I know what time is life

Forevermore gone

Is this the end?