Louise McGhee

You see a little girl they call

Louise McGhee

Please do me a favor and shake

her little hand for me

I said if you see a little

her name, Louise McGhee

You know, please do me a favor, shake her little hand for me

I know a little girl

like a car like a choo could

Her little low down way i wish you

had quite when you should

You know I love that little thing

Like a car, like choo you could

Little always, i sure wish you'd quit when you should

Mmm, Lookie here

If I dont go crazy

Lookie here

If I dont go crazy

Lookie here

If I don't loose my mind

You know cause I stayed bothered, one red all the time

Its a shame

A dirty shame

I so sorry the day I ever

know Louise's name

Yeah its a shame

It's a low down dirty shame

I so sorry the day I ever

know Louise's name

I say, come here little girl

throw up your God dog hands

Cause I been your dog ever since that I know your name

Don't come here little girl

I say, throw on up your God dog hands

You know I been your dog, ever since that I know your name

You know when I leave honey

I dont want you to cry no more

I say, when I leave

I dont want you to cry no more

I say, but when I leave this time honey

im gonna hang crape on your door

I gets up in the morning with the blues

3 different ways

I have two mind to leave here

I didnt have but one say stay

I gets up in the morning

I say, with the blues 3 different ways

I got two mind to leave here

i didnt have but one say stay

Honey if I dont ever no more see you

You forever be on my mind

If I dont never no more see you

I say, you forever be on my mind

You know every time I think about you girl

I just can't keep from crying