When the Wheels Don't Move

Who'll work the assembly line?

Who'll pull the freight on time?

Who'll work the all night haul?

Who'll explain it all when the wheels don't move?

Bigger chariots didn't save Rome

Easy money didn't stay at home

They said the iron horse would always roam

Who'll tell the children when the wheels don't move?

Man's power over nature

Hubris and greed let the fossil fuels burn

No way to keep the wings in flight

When the turbine engines don't move

Going green a casino catch phrase

Ethanol's made of smoke and mirrors

Who makes the decision to feed the tanks

And not the mouths when the wheels don't move?

When the wheels don't move

Red planet as salvation

Divine hope turns to depredation

Who'll be left to make that station?

Devoid of God and nation we trust

The wheels don't move

When wheels don't move

When the wheels don't move

When the wheels don't move