Lyrics Sopor Aeternus

Sopor Aeternus

The Encoded Cloister

(The mirror is the theatre

Where the autopsy begins)

Please, be so kind to leave this place

None of your kin(d) is wanted here

A dreadful tremor shakes these walls

Your presence vibrates violently

Over many years we've built

The utmost fragile atmosphere

We can't allow the uninvited

Visitor(s) to interfere

The balance here's most delicate

And our salvation, if you wish

Yes, our existence as a whole

Is depending on this sacred place

A silence, powerful and true

A minimum of what we seek

Pervading everything and all

It can be hered, can be percevied

This silence, you must understand

A quiet state of rest and calm

Is like a temple in itself

Keeps the secluded soul(s) from harm

It's gentle light is almost dark

A peaceful semble of the tomb

A certain chill's predominant

As most things here have ceased to move

Our lord is sleeping in his chambers

The centre of our sancutuary

He's not receiving anyone

He has not seen a soul in years

So long ago our lord's retired

From the affaires your world to show

We've never heared your name before

Our lord's not well, you have to go

Please, be so kind to leave this here

None of your kin(d) is wanted here

A dreadful termor shakes these walls

Your presence vibrates violently

Please, leave!