A Hearse with No Name

"Some believe that life is merely a sad dream

from which death us awakes

If so, the herald of dawn already walks among us..."

Within these visions I drown once more

Each day more violent than before

(I hear) wolves howling behind every door

And footsteps on an empty floor

Embraced by the Sun's stygian light

My dreams they come with open eyes

Loss of the blissful days of yore

The loss of all that we adore

Resounding to death's violent score

I saw it all, but there was more...

For a new kind of shadow walks among us

Unbound by laws of light and shade

Bearing its mark on both beasts and man

A herald to our world's descent

To no masters it bows down or hails

For with Death itself this rider trails

I saw as it came, a hearse with no name

New suns were born as the old ones gave away

I saw as it came, bearing the mark of Cain

and watched the world succumb to ancient flames...

Only two remain as the music fades

But no curtains fall upon this dying stage

Only two remain, grotesque lifeless facades

Made of only ash - before the winds blew them away...

The vision fades and the sweet arms

of reality surround me once again

But I see a cold future that lurks

behind these walls, awaiting to descend...