At the Heart of Dying

I have lost myself within a curse

And must become someone else, someone worse...

I have lost the track of days for a night has fallen upon me

A darkness too thick for all light to penetrate

My eyes have grown to wear the dark yet still I cannot see

No strength left in this shell to rise from my ill-fate

It feels like ages since I've last spoken

It feels like aeons since I last slept

But in this silence there is no comfort

Nothing to dry the rivers I have wept

I barely remember what joy felt like

Hardly recall what it was once to live

Drowning ever deeper into the dark despite for ages

This wretched soul has had nothing more to give

And forgive me for holding you too tight

That just to breathe you had push yourself away

And forgive me for far too long stealing your eyes

That without sight you were bound to walk away

For what is given can never be returned

A heart, a life, a shell now broken, incomplete

Like a world far too long allowed to burn

Nothing left to salvage, nothing left to keep

And forgive me for all my dreams

That far too long kept you awake

And forgive me for replacing the Sun with you

Leaving you in the dark, too dense for you to take

Now at the heart of dying, from the depths I dwell

I grant thee heaven, and for myself I reserve only Hell...

Like all flowers too fair for this world

Draw near the beasts to devour and to rend

Then how could a love far too fair for this cold world

Do nothing more but end

And in my heart the memories of those years

I would cherish and I would hold

But without one there is nothing left to do

But to succumb to the bleak and cold...

And forgive me for all my crimes

Unforgive me for all these lines...