Towers of Silence

Why does this morning feel different from all the others

The Hand that once gave life has begun to smother

From my within my lungs the air has been released

And I cannot feel the chill in the morning breeze

Yet I am at ease...

For me there is no warmth left even in the Sun

Safe from the earth this crest will be undone

Naked and alone, upon an altar made of stone

I fear has become final throne

Upon the third circle on the first day

Where nothing moves but the daevas in the wind

The wind bears a silent calling to mountains far away

Summoning the birds of prey

"On the second day the vultures came

The beasts of birds, the sentinels of decay

Deeper each day they tore into my flesh

Feasting upon my loins and the insides through my chest

For days it lasted until they ran out of meat

leaving behind only bones for the Sun to bleach"

Upon this silent altar, upon my dreamless bed

Leaving the world bereft and the vultures fed

Slowly all will be gone that has ever signed to me

As the remains quietly wash into the sea...