I'm A Little Bit Country

I`m a little bit country

Well, I`m a little bit rock-n-roll, yeah!

I`m a little for supportin` our troops

And I`m a little for bringin` them home!

I believe freedom isn`t free

No, but war shouldn`t be our goal

We must defend our country!

If it means war then we say: No!

Did you forget them towers in New York?

Did you forget how it made you feel

to see them towers come down?

Were you like me did you think it weren`t real?

I like to rock, but I don`t wanna rock Iraq!

The only kind of rockin` that America should

do is the kind then we can all dance to, yeah!

We got GPS, ICBMs and good old-fashioned lead

We`re gonna show Saddam what America means

that son of a bitch will be dead

Why are we fightin` this war?

There`s a man in the office we didn`t vote for

They didn`t give me a choice, war is not my voice!
