There's No You

This room is getting smaller

The walls are closing in

And I’m so bored with my own conversation

The stairs to our bedroom

Seem so much higher than ever

Especially when you're sleeping alone

But I still have that painting

We bought in Rome

The one I hated and you adored

Now I own

There’s no you

What’s the point without you

There’s no you

What’s the point without you

My friends think I’m wasting

My whole life away

But I’m not the type to cry in my liquor

I’ll do my crying in private

And cry myself to sleep

At least I won’t cry in public places

But I still have that painting

We bought in Rome

The one I hated and you adored

And now I own

There’s no you

What’s the point without you

There’s no you

What’s the point without you

Some folks say it’s all about survival

And wiping the floor with all your rivals

But you were too bright and oh so full of culture

And I prayed on you like a big old fat vulture

Just circling high above your halo

There’s no you

What’s the point without you

There’s no you

What’ the point without you