Lyrics Spawn of Possession

Spawn of Possession

By A Thousand Deaths Fulfilled

My cloven tongue speak such words of silk, Irresistible

I sow dreams, lies they will want to swallow, they give while I

collect. Affection, pleasures so forbidden only the strong can

withstand and endure.

Predatorily instincts, find the right type of lust. Needed for my

cause I contract scavengers, beggars, murderers and whores.

The scum of this earth is to be the foundation of my ascent

Feed my glory, my wisdom now.

By a power strong and intense I've been selected. To concur and

seduce, once a pawn but soon to rule in glory divine,

in glory divine.

With my serpent eyes I acquire love and with the strongest hands

demand all obedience. A thousand lives for one

Freely given through their pain I'll reap what I have planted in

this sour soil. And my grave will shed light upon the forsaken.

The Icon in my own congregation I am. I enter my podium

encircled by outcasts. My apostles and lovers all those

cheerful faces. Hysterically laughing their way through

this hymn to my person.

By a thousand deaths fulfilled.

Solo: Karlsson

When I open my mouth to speak they'll engulf my words life

dogs, screaming. Shouting prayers directed towards the one and

I, whom are far superior.

I taste the energy flowing from a thousand naked, beaten creeps,

sweaty limbs entwined. A mass of feasting flesh, Individuality at

last abandoned.

Differences erased as my children adjoin through blood and

bondage. Entangled, thousands turned to one. A collective mind

under my control lead by my will, kneeled before me

By a thousand deaths fulfilled