Speaking Of Tongues

You don't have to be so scared to share what's inside

'Cause you're daddy's little superstar

And you're mama's little butterfly, fly high

A strange strange litany of verses and reverses

Adlibs and rehearses, clouds burst and words cursed

An argument breaks out

It's one we've all heard before, it's boring

Had us all snoring from the first line

One after another chimed in perfect time

Tired rehashes of petty cashes and mismatches

You shoulda coulda's and why didn't you do this

Crippling snippets aimed at the heart to inflame and impart blame

Framed like Mumia, verbal diarrhea

Spasms creating chasms between the souls of two or two billion

Nations torn apart, station to station damnation

With much deliberation and very little consideration

To the return on the damage from the altercation

Collateral condemnation

Then denyin' like colorization of an old black and white

Create a revision of the recent last night

The fight that started with two words, I'm right

You don't have to be so scared to share what's inside

'Cause you're daddy's little superstar

And you're mama's little butterfly, fly high

But of course the fight ends with no resolution

Merely a vow for retribution, substitution

Execution, electrocution, ruthless, toothless and truthless

Mumbling through page after page of excuses

Abuses of the gift of the Gab, Gabriel the trumpeter

Bestowed upon us a voice with a choice

And a tongue kept moist by years of salivating

For oysters, pearls and aphrodisiacs

Locked in an ugly shell, always too chewy and gooey

So they get swallowed whole

But a tongue is so much more than a vehicle for greed

With a disciple I feed

A tongue is for washing fur or for licking wounds

Or welcoming newcomers into a room

Or cleansing those fresh from the womb

Without a tongue there would be no croons

Swoons, June's under the moon

No bees pollinating no flowers in bloom

No recitation of words at the foot of a tomb

Or wills read aloud of the family heirlooms

You probably couldn't even blow up a balloon

And that would be a shame because exhales the name of the game

Exhale from the heart, not from the lungs

Speak from the heart, not from the tongue

You don't have to be so scared to share what's inside

'Cause you're daddy's little superstar

And you're mama's little butterfly, fly high

Listening is understanding and finding compassion

Love is the action of soul satisfaction

A tongue can make wishes and also fine kisses

Taste a sweet cake and also cast disses

But nothing compares to the voice from within

Without it we might just be mannequins

Up to no darn good shenanigans

Learn to be skillful movers of the stones

That block the heart and turn humans to clones

Learn to forgive, set free the bones

Touch with your flesh, take off the rubber gloves

Love like your life depends on it because it does

You don't have to be so scared to share what's inside

'Cause you're daddy's little superstar

And you're mama's little butterfly, fly high

You don't have to be so scared to share what's inside

'Cause you're daddy's little superstar

And you're mama's little butterfly, fly high, flying high, flying high